IAS Connect App for Assessors and IAS Staff

Available on App Store and Play Store

Key Highlights

The IAS Connect App can be used by assessors and staff to create teams, schedule activities, set agendas, fill checklists, and submit reports related to IAS assessments. Assessors can schedule assessments and assign activities with the click of a button. Finalizing and submitting checklists via the IAS Connect App is easy and convenient. The IAS Connect App is also a quick way to communicate with other assessors.

  • Reliable and secure platform
  • Portable and convenient
  • Offline Checklist support


Cross Platform Support

Supported on Android and IOS Devices and integrates with the IAS Connect Web Portal.


Schedules are handled in monthly calendars that allow assessors to manage their dates of availability.

Fill and Submit Checklists

Assessors can now use their tablets as a lightweight solution to work on checklists.

Offline Support for Checklists

Checklists can be filled out offline. Simply preload your assessment at a location with internet and save your checklist accordingly.

Instant Notifications

Assessors and staff receive instant notifications via email and their device.

Manageable Process

Assessors and staff can update assignments and agendas throughout the assessment process.