- Building Official
- Plans Examiners
- Director/Manager of Administration
- Building Inspectors
- Manager of Building Inspections
- Plumbing Inspectors
- Manager of Plans Examination
- Mechanical Inspectors
- Front Counter Personnel
- Electrical Inspectors
- Representative of the Planning Department
- Department Director
- Representative of the Fire Department
- Representative of the Public Works Department
- Representative of the Code Enforcement Department
- Representative of the City/County Manager
- City Councilperson/County Administrator
- City/County Attorney
One representative from each of the following stakeholder groups:
- Chamber of Commerce
- Building Industry Association
- State or Local Contractors Association
- Local A.I.A. Chapter
- Copies of all documentation provided to IAS in support of current application
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Quality Manual
- Management Review Report (for past 2 years)
- Internal Audit Reports (for past 2 years), if available
- Complaint records and resolutions
- Personnel Records of Department Staff (e.g. training and certification records)
- Permit Records
- Departmental Financial and Budget Records
Opening Meeting
- Introduction
- Purpose of the visit
- Review of and adjustments to agenda
General Tour of the Facility
- Accommodations and flow of work through facility
General Operations
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 3.2 of AC251
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 4.0 of AC251
Observe Plan Review
- Observe plan review staff/operations and review of process and documentation related to Section 5.0 of AC251
Certificate of Occupancy
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 9.0 of AC251
Observe Permitting
- Observe permitting staff/operations and review of process and documentation related to Section 3.4 of AC251
Complaints and Appeals
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 8.0 of AC251
Department Budget
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 3.5 of AC251
Observe Inspections
- Observe at least two inspectors conducting a mix of residential and commercial inspections and review of process and documentation related to Section 7.0 of AC251
Credential/License Verification
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 6.0 of AC251
Human Resources
- Review of process and documentation related to Section 3.3 of AC251
- Preparation of Assessment Findings by Assessment Team
Closing Meeting
- Discussion of team findings